Saturday, July 01, 2006

Paper, Rock, Scissors

The following is an editorial from my hometown newspaper, the Amarillo Globe News. Note how this is not the opinion of some letter-writing wacko, but rather is the collaborative effort of the Globe News editorial staff. I am appalled and offended by the shallowness of this letter's content, its lack of theological understanding, and its underlying mysogyny. Enjoy!

June 24, 2006

"Thinking Out Loud"

The nerve of Neil Armstrong.

As he became the first man to set foot on the moon, Armstrong uttered the now famous phrase: "That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind."

If the politically correct illness plaguing the nation continues to infect society, in the near future Armstrong may wind up being considered a white sleeveless undershirt-wearing wife-beater rather than an historic astronaut.

Sound far-fetched?

If religious leaders begin bowing down to the P.C. altar, what chance does Armstrong have?
The Presbyterian Church (USA) General Assembly recommended Monday that church members use other references for the Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. One alternative mentioned was "compassionate mother, beloved child and lifegiving womb."
In other words, get rid of the perceived references to maleness.

Lord, no matter your gender, help us.

For the sake of argument, those who think Armstrong was only referring to members of the good ol' boys club may not be from the moon, but they're definitely from another planet.
It should be remembered that when Jesus taught his disciples to pray, he began with the phrase, "Our Father in heaven ..." - Matthew 6:9.

And that comes straight from the Man himself, and the message is intended for all mankind.

1 comment:

bcdees47 said...

What extraordinary bullshit! I mean, come on. I really can't comprehend how this whole Trinity-language issue has been so completely misunderstood. No one ever proposed to get rid of male language for God. Rather, by using alternative language (such as mother, child, womb), we acknowledge that the male AND female language, while it does say something true about God, is ultimately metaphorical and can never exhaust God's being. There is a profound difference between PC arguments regarding the use of words like "mankind" and God-talk. When we talk about "mankind," we are talking about a fixed, known group that does indeed include female persons; thus the term is simply inaccurate. But with God, it's a completely different ball game. The Trinity document is not about finding new ways to be PC, but about finding new ways to express the mystery of God's immanence and transcendence within the limits of human language. Geez, people.