Saturday, April 22, 2006

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day, one and all!

A poem from my favorite pre-hippie hippie poet,William Wordsworth:

My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky;
So was it when my life began
So is it now I am a man
So be it when I shall grow old, or let me die!

The child is father to the man
and I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each, by natural piety.


A lovely day here in the great city of Austin-- I encourage all to spend at least a few moments outside, breathing in the lush greenery of the verdent Hill Country.

We are blessed by this "Good Creation" and therefore are called to be good stewards of the Earth. Wordsworth calls his reverence for creation "natural piety" and I feel that all of us should strive for natural piety-- without going too far, of course [no need to worship trees or anything]. Environmentalism is not a four-letter-word, nor should it be resigned only for crunchy-granola, Nader-votin', tofu-eatin' vegans. All of us, regardless of political party association and theological leanings, can respect the Earth and participate in environmentally friendly practices.

...a word from Pappy McVulgar, Fuck the earth, let it rot, let it burn, let it overpopulate, love it, like it, do it. It is what Bono would back to Mere.

Sorry for the vulgarity from Pappy McVulgar. He hijacked my laptop from me and proceeded to write vitrolic comments. See that kids??! That's the kind of devolved, uninformed attitude I'm addressing-- and nobody fucks with my Bono!

Hug the World!

1 comment:

astrocero said...

pre hippies are cool, hippies smell of patroli(however ii is spelled) and a panache for soy granola carob whatchamacallit.