Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Here Fishy, Fishy, Fishy!

A quick joke for your enjoyment: A fish is swimming in a lake, hits a wall, and says, “Dam!”

I, much like my fishy friend in the above “joke,” feel as if I have hit the proverbial “wall.” Though I keep swimming with the aspirations and tenacity of the Incredible Mr. Limpett, I continually hit walls and no amount of effort on my behalf can assuauge my headaches (and aching ego).

I’m exhausted, frustrated, mentally and emotionally bankrupt. I even had a “slight” nervous breakdown yesterday, which, admittedly, was rather cathartic. Unfortunately, my friends were present for said breakdown and are [most likely] convinced I’m either psychotic, hopelessly neurotic, or a combination of the two.

Summer cannot come fast enough!


bcdees47 said...

I must say, the picture of the fish really makes this entry. So, kudos for that. I am sorry to hear that you are hitting the wall. I know I speak for all your friends when I say that we are definitely here for you in your time of need. And yes, summer is on the way.

Monica said...

no one said you were "psychotic"...i completely understand...don't lose heart oh goddess of love...if we are lucky, the sun will rise anew on the morrow...

astrocero said...

i think at times we just punch through that fucking wall, and if it dosen't budge, just another knot on your head, besides fish are dumb!
(although fish sticks are tasty)