Friday, December 16, 2005

Free at last, free at last

Hallelujah and Praise Jesus- Finals are over! After our last final this morning, we celebrated in our usual demeanor: by heading over to our beloved Crown & Anchor and drinking ourselves into a stupor. Nothing erases the memory of arduous finals like a good drinking binge with dear friends. Of course, halfway through our merriment we realized that our “celebrating” at the Crown was not really anything out of the ordinary, since we frequent the Crown on a near-daily basis.

[Note: some of the bartenders at the Crown actually know my name! You know how long it’s been since I’ve been to a restaurant where they new my name? Ok, in truth, not long, since I moved to Austin from a small town. I used to go to this burger joint in Canyon called Hil’s Burgers on a weekly basis, and Hil knew my name and even gave me extra curly fries. I’m not at that “extra curly fries” level at the Crown, but maybe someday…it’s a goal worth striving for.]

What is more amazing is that my first semester of seminary is over. My first fucking semester! I have mornings when I still wake up and cannot believe that I live in fucking Austin and attend the Presbyterian Seminary here. As one who does not always adjust well to change, I am both relieved and saddened to be done with classes. The semester went by at a blazing pace and I wonder if this is indicative to the rest of my seminary career. If school continues to race along at this breakneck speed, graduation will soon be on the horizon. Then what? As I discern my call here at school, I still find it somewhat mystifying as to what God’s purpose is for me. I have faith that I am being led to fulfill some “destiny,” for lack of a better term, but I remain clueless to what that “destiny” may be.

Tonight as I type this blog, I find it alien that I do not have classwork hanging over my head like the sword of Damocles. Not that I was Hermione Granger this semester (my approach to school, was, admittedly, lackadaisical), but I did (occasionally) study. Tonight, there are no more finals, no more John Calvin or Karl Barth to read, no theology terms to memorize. My mind is restless without the chaos of school; the chaos of school stresses-out my mind. Such is the dichotomy of Meredith...


astrocero said...

what might you do with the free time? catch up on the muppets? mr. simion? or prehaps you could talk to someone about the latest potter book, yes i am alos a fan, well i digress, and free i may come as a stalker, no wait a cyber stalker. adios

Katrina said...

This semester did go by so fast. I can't believe we're here, together, after all these years. It's almost as if we were meant to be here...well, duh. Couldn't imagine without you Mere!

Monica said...

i already miss you and i agree it has been a short moment- a blip in the scheme of eternal...merry christmas my friend and know that i love you...mj