Friday, December 09, 2005

Sheer Randomness

No classes this week: the school calls it “Reading Week,” which, in theory, is the week dedicated to reading and writing papers before finals begin next week. I wish that I could admit proudly that the week was spent in disciplined, dedicated, and diligent study, but, as result of this lack of structure, I managed to piss all of my time away. Oh sure, I did do some work on my damn worship paper, as well as some minimal studying for various and sundry classes, but it is now early Saturday morning and I have very little to show for my week of theoretical “work.”

However, also in true Meredith fashion, this week was very much an exercise in what I would call “surreality.” Some of the randomness that occurred:

* It was, as my mother put it, “Colder than a well-digger’s ass” here in Austin this week. Cold! In Austin! I moved away from the Panhandle to escape bullshit cold weather, not be enveloped in it! And, to add further insult to injury, I left most of my sweaters and what-not at home. [Note: why is that well-diggers have cold asses? Do they not wear long-underwear or other protection that would act as a barrier against the elements? Poor diggers of wells!]

* I got to hold a baby the other day. Happiness is holding a tiny-squirmy infant, if you ignore that funky baby smell.

* I learned how to knit! I can finally cross it off the list of “Stuff I want to learn before I die.” Knitting is hard, harder than crochet, in my opinion, but I find it appeals to my anal-retentative side (the one that earlier this week, alphabetized my CD’s). I am attempting to make a scarf…mostly, my “scarf” looks like severely mutated rectangle, but I am slowly learning the subtle craft of knitting. Patience, patience!

* I made fudge. Although making fudge may not, at first glance, seem random, you must understand that I do not consider myself much of a cook. Oh, I have a basic understanding of the culinary arts, but I am more an “eater” than a “cooker.” The very fact that I am a certified fudge artisan is pretty random.

* Hung out with friends a lot more than usual. I learned much about my peers this week and I was reminded constantly of how blessed I am to be amongst such wonderful people here at school. Awww….group hug!

* The other morning, I was cold and made homemade cranberry sauce and ate all of it in one sitting. Cranberries kick ass! Plus, cooking the cranberries on the stove heated my kitchen and my window to the outside world was became fogged up with residual steam from the stove. Nothing is cozier than fogged-up windows…(heh- reminds me a little of making out in cars, which, I may add, I have not done in quite a long time)

* Last Saturday, our school played against the Episcopalians in an annual football game we call “The Polity Bowl.” The Presbyterians were victorious- hurrah! Afterwards, we celebrated with a barbeque at school. In an unprecedented turn of events, the school even purchased a keg of Shiner Bock! I have never in my life attended an event with a school-sanctioned keg. The greatest beer in the world, my friend, is the beer you do not have to pay for!

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