Friday, November 11, 2005

It's Friday, I'm In Love (Well, Not Really)

What music I am listening to: The White Stripes- Elephant. Lately, I can't seem to get enough of the "White Stripes." This album is infintely excellent!

This week has been pretty busy, which is why I haven't posted anything new in a few days. Also, my wireless card died, so I was without internet here in my apartment. I don't have cable TV and thus, the internet is my only time waster. I have felt so cut-off from the civilized world and I was only without the internet for 2 days! Today, amongst the myriad of errands I had to run, I purchased a shiny new wireless card, so all is right with the world.

If you haven't already, I encourage you to visit the website, Through this website, people have sent in postcards with secrets on them, which are then published on the web. All submissions are anonymous. Some of the postcards are funny, some are risque, and others are primal screams from hearts aching from the depths of human suffering.

I love this website because all the postcards are examples of what it means to exist in the human condition. And I would say, after being in Systematic Theology for almost 10 weeks now, that the human condition is one of pain and suffering. This world is permeated with pain, both shared and kept private. Postsecret is an example of how our brothers and sisters suffer and are desperate for someone to listen to their problems. Even "Blogging" is an excuse to air private, personal thoughts within the controlled anonymity of cyberspace. I feel entirely more comfortable expressing myself online than I do in class or even with many of my peers.

So the lesson here is: Be sensitive to another's feelings, for we do not always know the trials and tribulations of our neighbors! We must learn to be patient with our sisters and brothers so that they may learn to be patient with us.

I reaized this week that what I want most from my life is to help assauge the pain of my brothers and sisters. If, at the end of my life, I can look back and see that I eased the suffering of even one person, I will consider my life unwasted.

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