Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Dude Abides...

I am so completely and utterly stoked that Lebowskifest, a festival celebrating one of my favorite movies The Big Lebowski, is coming to the great city of Austin. [and on my birthday, no less!]

In looking for links to material pertaining to this apex of cinematic achievement, I actually found a website wherein you can read the script to the movie. Oh what joy to follow along with the dialogue! Now the truly anal-retentative among us , or those with simply too much time on their hands, can memorize the entire movie (and subsequently annoy us by saying the dialogue while the movie is in play).


astrocero said...

Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

oh that walter.

Christopher Drew said...

An excellent movie!

During my previous career, people started calling me "The Dude" because I couldn't stop raving about how funny this flick was.

One of my favorite scenes is when The Dude is canvassing Mr. Lebowski's trophy wall. He turns and finds himself looking in a mirror boardered by Time magazine's famous "Man of the Year" cover. Hilarious!

According to, tickets go on sale in March. Whoo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Look what I found looking for The Big Lebowski T-Shirts:

Pass it on, dudes!